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Maryam Bahman

Maryam Bahman

Maryam Bahman was born on April 24th, 1985 in
She has a master's degree in animal physiology
from Tehran and has been painting since 2010.
Her first watercolor group exhibition was held in
2011. After that, in 2012 and 2013, she had solo and
group exhibitions In 2015, she designed the statue
of the 2nd IAPESGW Regional Symposium:
Women’s Empowerment is Sport.
She designed the Bompad Statue she drew a
watercolor painting of a Corsac Fox as a gift to the
president of FISU in Gwangju 2015 games. She also
designed seven posters for the Ministry of Sports
and Youth of Iran in 2015 and 2016.
In the same years, she was the secretary of the
Think Tank, as well as the executive director of the
Ministry of Sports and Youth. She also acted as the
artistic advisor of the Polo Federation for several
In 2017, she won the first place in watercolor
exhibition at the Nis Art Gallery and DcKozmos
Gallery in Istanbul, and in the same year, she
participated in an Exhibition in Fira, Rome.
She also took courses in architecture and interior
design in 2018. And in 2019, together with a few
friends, they established the Manda Art and
Architecture Atelier.
In 2020, she drew sketches for Gilgamesh
magazine, and in 2021, she collaborated with a
book design team from Kashan and Ardakan to
draw sketches for a book.
in 2022, she has solo painting exhibition at
Shirin art galley in tehran, as Silence &
Watching are the Mother of Thoughts.

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